It was born in the wake of the latest green trends literary prize The pages of the earth , a narrative contest in which all those who wanted to try their hand at ecological, environmental and sustainability issues participated. Content capable of spreading a new cultural and intellectual vision of the relationship between human beings and the environment. In fact, the protection of the environment, the sea, the mountains, the animals and our own way of life were at the center of the construction of the stories.
The three finalists were awarded the works built with bronze and vegetable fabrics by the master Claudio Cutuli , one of the founders of the initiative, which were created by the artist for the occasion Giampietro “Gianni” Cudin . Born in Gorizia and Paduan by adoption, Cudin he is a painter and sculptor of great immediacy, with numerous prestigious exhibitions to his credit. His irrepressible artistic vitality leads him to experiment with different forms of expression and to use the most varied materials including metals and stones. The result are wonderful monumental sculptures exhibited today in public places in various parts of the world: an example is the monument dedicated to Perlasca built in Budapest and Toronto.

The chromatic intensity and the impetuousness of the sign are distinctive features of Cudin's works and we find them above all in the two cloth books , prizes awarded to the finalists of the competition "The pages of the earth". Almost as if to evoke the infinite nuances of literary works that make up the cultural landscape and the different sensitivities that are within the small and large literature. Emotions, stories and languages that intertwine to give life to highly educational contents. But the message that Cudin wants to convey goes much further. There sculpture which he created to complete the 3 awards represents a tree, the tree of knowledge . According to the artist, culture must be cultivated, guarded and protected as we should do with nature which feeds us and which is the source of life.
An important message inspired by the values of ecology and sustainability, perfectly in line with the spirit of the literary competition which aimed to raise awareness and promote environmental protection.