Diego Santini

Diego Santini, an Italian artist, opens a world characterized by vague and fleeting atmospheres, inhabited by dreamy and ironic characters who revive the innocence and wonder of childhood.

Who is the Artist?

Diego Santini, born in Ancona in 1975, he has shown a strong artistic sense and a predisposition towards different art forms since he was a child; frompaintingto theillustration, he soon proved himself to be a versatile and eclectic artist.

Santini's passion for art was born suddenly, during an exhibition of contemporary art paintings, where he had a sort of enlightenment. From that moment, he began to paint in his own way, promising himself to never abandon his"child" side.

After graduating from art school, he
attended illustration courses to perfect his technique and participated in numerous collective and personal exhibitions. In 2005, inaugurating the
his small studio in Ancona, he began to create collaborations and exhibit his works in increasingly prestigious exhibitions.

Santini's works are characterized byvague and fleeting atmospheres, inhabited bydreamy characters, dreamlike and at the same time ironic. In his unique works and in thefine art gicléehand-retouched, the protagonists are immersed in evocative landscapes, rendered through suggestive shades of color. Santini's illustrations refer to the world offairy talesand to the free associations of childhood.

Diego Santini continues to explore new artistic forms and express his creativity through his works, which distinguish him in the contemporary art scene.