Friedler on display at the European Commission in Brussels in 2018.

The legendary world staged by the painting of Julien Friedle r gets in touch with the European Commission in Brussels in 2018 : a prestigious invitation, which allows him to present, under the auspices of Carlos Moedas , European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation in the Junker Commission, his artistic, literary and philosophical vision inside the Berlaymont Palace with the exhibition Spirit of Boz Paintings (21 February – 4 March 2018).
Julien Friedler is a multifaceted artist. His literary training, as a psychoanalyst, his passion for philosophy, for travel and meetings, have built the foundations of his expressive thought, which often takes shape in the contemporary figurative field (just think of the works exhibited in the retrospectives of the project Mappings ). His painting represents an epic world, custodian of a more complex mythology which is identified in the artistic concept, and which Friedler precisely calls Spirit of Boz.
Paintings, sculptures and installations are the expression of a magical and fabulous world that the artist proposes as active symbolism, inspired by the forces of the spirit. All actions aim at the same goal, that of reactivating the myths in a society in unstable balance, to find meaning. Through light, sequins, yellow and red, and material that flows like lava, Friedler takes the viewer of these works on a path of exploration of the human soul in its universal complexity.

Presenting one's works as a painter already requires a rather bold and radical stance. It is true that painting today is already a challenge and a very daring radical position in itself. Defining himself as a painter, Julien Friedler takes on a role that goes against the current with respect to the avant-garde, thus indicating his desire to appear in contrast with the ways and expressions of what is usually called "contemporary art", in fact we read in the critical introduction of presentation of the exhibition.
The Belgian artist is the bearer of a humanist vision, outlined through the works but also with a sharing activity that he carries forward through Spirit of Boz , an association created to establish – by practicing oral, literary, pictorial and creative expression in general – exchanges and ties, thus constituting a community of thoughts and testimonies on individual and collective realities from various places in the world.
For those who have not yet been able to visit an exhibition by Friedler, the opportunity to see his works again in Italy returns in just over a month. Follow us on our social channels @cdstudiodarte and GI @cdstudiodarte68 , we will keep you updated!