De la Métaphysique de l'errance is the new Personal Exhibition of Julien Friedler,
scheduled from 29 April to 29 May 2022 al Jewish Museum of Brussels.
Julien Friedler , who grew up in a Belgian Jewish family, is a very particular figure on the contemporary art scene. A complex and eclectic character, who often found himself reflecting, also through his art, on the implications of the Second World War, a period that left indelible traces in his family, marked by the tragic fate of deportation to concentration camps. The inner torment that has always inhabited him, and which he has investigated so much through the study of psychoanalysis, has pushed him over the years towards an inexhaustible search for Meaning. A research that has always been pursued by exploring the mysteries of the soul and that finds expression in his works.

This unquenchable thirst for interrogation of the Unconscious it is also the interpretative key that helps to understand the common thread which links the works present in the new solo exhibition that the artist presents in Belgium: De la Métaphysique de l'errance (On the Metaphysics of Wandering ), to be held at Jewish Museum of Brussels from the April 20 to May 29, 2022 .
As the critic explains Sonia Bressler this exhibit "It's a journey, a joy, a doubt, a disturbance and an effervescence. It mixes with existential questions and draws new perspectives .
Questioning Julien Friedler's art forms means opening the door to a different social construction . We have to leave behind the concept of linearity. The very essence of Julien Friedler's philosophy is experimentation”.
Julien Friedler's works are atypical, they are destined to move and transform, to become books, moving installations and brilliant paintings. The exhibition that will open in Brussels will allow visitors to enter the artist's inner labyrinth, who with color always returns, on canvas and paper, the jolts of his own soul and the impressions stored up in a lifetime
spent travelling, a life constantly aimed at listening deeply to people, environments, souls.
Each work is so the memory of a place, the evocation of sensations linked to a landscape, a meditation or the evocation of some inner question. Seen in their overall vision, these works represent the stages of an intimate and introspective journey in which the author wants us to participate.
It's about works that arise from a complex thought , inhabited by the artist's spiritual, philosophical and religious conscience, nourished by the reading of sacred texts, philosophical writings and studies on psychoanalysis.
Also thanks to "magic", sometimes ghostly subjects, the artist has the ability to immerse the viewer of his work in a multifaceted universe, where there is no fear of confronting the unknown and the mystery through a fiery, dreamlike, conflictual and sometimes tragic narration.
The evocations born from this almost hypnotic plunge into the unconscious world are revealed, in fact, through color and instinctive and direct signs, as if they were the gesture of a liberating discharge.
The possibility to see Julien Friedler's works in Italy returns in spring 2022. Follow us on our social channels @cdstudiodarte and GI @cdstudiodarte1968 , we will keep you updated!