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Alessio-B's new initiative will materialize in the next few days; thanks to the great heat that characterizes the city of Padua in this period, Alessio-b has decided to enliven his audience by promoting a "graffito research photographic contest".

In fact, within the first days of August he will carry out two major works on the city walls - rigorously identified among the degraded ones and without any architectural value in full compliance with his ethical principles which prohibit him from damaging the property of others. The two works will be a tribute to two Great Personalities who have disappeared and all citizens are invited to look for them in the streets of the city, photograph them and share the photos of the images with Istagram and send them to the e-mail address:

the first 5 who send their image will receive a free personalized mobile cover with images of Alessio-be produced by the well-known Padua-based company La Cover Personalized (
