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An exceptional event for all collectors and admirers of Maestro FRANCESCO MUSANTE

At the Galleria LaRinascente on Saturday 21 January 2017 at 6.00 pm the personal exhibition of Francesco Musante entitled "THEATRIES - in search of lost dreams ... " curated by Carlo Silvestrin opens.

The exhibition, which can be visited until 25 February 2017, offers over 40 unpublished works by the artist created for this occasion.

In his productions on display in Padua Francesco Musante proposes a new series of works called precisely "Teatrini" renewing his irrepressible creativity that starting from the inspiration of American Pop Art and passing through the experience of the Viennese Secession and the Combine Paintings of Rauschemberg, led him to be today one of the most followed artists in Italy.

The author is in love with Padua, a city that has dedicated at least ten solo exhibitions to him in private galleries and public spaces to date . Genoese artist recalling the many times he passed through here. Also for this reason he wanted to present the new pictorial series of the "Teatrini" in our city, an exhibition that highlights the peculiarities of Musante: his self-ironic ability - he is often the very subject of his paintings - and the great lightness with which he faces all the issues of life; looking at his works, one is immediately projected into a "fantastic", "fairy-tale" world, where there are always more than one moon, elephants fly, trees have houses, bird cages, clowns instead of hair and trains go and they come aimlessly carrying passengers with thousands of stories to tell.

On the opening day the artist will be present .